Sunday, February 1, 2009

What new year's resolution should I adopt?

Less Viking movies, more Salmon (8%)
Learn how to say, "I only speak Polish" in 47 languages and "I don't speak Polish" in Polish. (41%)
Start growing brussel sprouts in order to start my conquest to corner the market on vegetables that resemble smaller versions of other vegetables. (Next up, those small ears of corn.) (25%)
Two words: hot pants (16%)
Negotiate world peace (0%)
Increase my comic book collection to 4 (8%)
Start working on reversing the trend of the comb-over with a new hairstyle, the comb-under. (0%)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked hot pants myself...and I am sticking strong to Benjamin Franklin as a pitch.
Becky Oehlers