Doll Body: Hey, how's it going?
CNG: Um, Okay. So, I guess I'm going to start the interview now.
DB: Well, go ahead. It's not like I'm in a rush or anything. I'm just laying in a patch of clover.
CNG: Wow, you sure know a lot about Botany for a doll body. Well, here goes...
CNG: So, if you could have one dream come true, what would it be?
DB: Well, probably eyes and a mouth. Hair would be good too.
CNG: Well, I don't have any hair. You sort of look like me.
DB: Yeah, except way sexier. Maybe that's why my creator so lovingly put me together.
CNG: Hey, it's not very nice to talk about her that way.
DB: Do you want to hear my favorite pick up line? Who's got two thumbs, is full of wool, and is hand sewn? THIS GUY.
CNG: That's ... great. So, of all your accomplishments, what are you most proud of?
DB: Probably matching the thread. Also my nose. It's not weird looking like your's.
CNG: My nose isn't weird looking is it?
DB: There's a weird ball shape at the end of your nose. It's not like mine - a cute little button nose.
CNG: Well, what's your nose made of?
DB: A button. So are you going to put a picture of you at the end of this interview.
CNG: I was thinking about it. You know, a picture to go with a byline. You know, interview by The Chronic Nice Guy.
DB: Do you have one where you're in a field like me?
CNG: Actually, I do.

DB: That's kind of creepy.
CNG: What's creepy about it?
DB: You know, you're just sitting in a field. Also you look a lot like a doll body in human size. That's weird.
CNG: I'm sorry to be causing you so much grief with my lack of hair.
DB: Well, it would certainly make creating a doll version of you easy. In fact, all I'd need is a mouth and glasses. And a red shirt. And to look creepy.
CNG: Well, I'll get on the red shirt right away for you. As soon as I stop spending my time trying to look creepy in this field.
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