Monday, September 28, 2009

A 3am nonsense post

It is 3:09am. I'm not entirely sure what I am going to write about, but I figured that since it's 3, there is the potential for this to be a really great or really horrible blog entry. This afternoon I thought about writing a blog entry about what positions prominent women world leader would play if they were fantasy football players, but all I sort of figured out was that Margaret Thatcher would be a linebacker and Hillary Clinton would be a halfback. Not real enough to have a fully fleshed out blog entry. (I know, I left that whole "fleshed out" thing just dangling. Go for it, somebody!)

Now I'm sort of feeling the pressure to somehow make this more funny. I started this out thinking that since it's 3, funny situations would naturally come to me, but the truth is that right now, I'm not feeling particularly funny. I sort of feel like Ringo often looks in Beatles pictures, just sort of there without a real clue of what to do or say next. Thankfully, I'm not going to sing any songs about primary colored ocean going vessels, unless someone were to make a kickass song called Blue Aircraft Carrier.

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